"Reflections" is a deeply moving drama that explores the emotional landscape of love, memory, and the silent battles faced by those affected by dementia. The film tells the poignant story of Abigail, a compassionate young woman, who struggles to care for her grandmother, who is losing her battle with dementia. As Abigail visits her at the hospital, she forms an unexpected bond with another elderly patient who provides comfort and wisdom, revealing the enduring power of human connection. Set against the backdrop of a bustling clinic, "Reflections" brings to light the challenges and heartaches faced by families touched by dementia. Through heartfelt conversations, Abigail and the Old Woman find solace and hope in each other, learning to navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the human spirit. "Reflections" is a touching portrayal of resilience and the lengths we go to keep our loved ones connected to their past. This film is a must-watch for those seeking a heartfelt and emotionally rich cinematic experience.
This moving tale illustrates the poignant reminder to cherish our loved ones while they are still with us. The narrative urges an embrace of familial connections, highlighting the irreplaceable value of shared moments. May it inspire all to nurture relationships and treasure moments of togetherness.
CREDITS: Story: Fari Elysian Writer: Courtney Eseoghene [@courtchams] Director: Fari Elysian Cinematographer: Akinboye Aduragbemi [@_blackbulb] Editor: Akinboye Aduragbemi [@_blackbulb] Assistant DOP: Victor Trells [@victortrells] Assistant Director: Clinton Chibueze [@iam__skeet] Sound Engineer: Jenyo Emmanuel [@_atlasounds] Casting and Locations Manager: Fari Elysian Actors: Uber Driver – Umiom Samuel [@only1daddyess] Doctor – Moses Ukah [@moses_ukah] Beggar Child – Nzube Goodluck [@nzubeez] Wife – Mary Okoro [@meritugochinyere] Young Girl – Chioma Onyegbule [@chioma_magzy] Classmate – Chidera Onyegbule [@cheederaa] Girl in the car – Nwachi Anita [@hermosa_oa] Guy in the car – God’swill Ekeh [@kaccigram] Nurse – Bolton Loretta [@tiwasavagediehardfans]

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